Afternoon Activity Classes
06-03-2024 - 30-09-2025
Event Time:04:00PM - 05:00PM
AFTERNOON ACTIVITY CLASSES - 45 Minutes (includes kids a snack and drink)
- ARTS R US -(Monday) Is a creative and educational art experience for children up to age 5 years. Each week we present a different theme for the children which fun with just the right balance of painting art, structured fine motor skill crafting.
- RHYME & MUSIC - (Tuesday)Is a fun interactive session that encourages parents, carers and their children to sing and sign along to their favourite rhymes, enjoy musical activities and take part in our active circle time.
- DANCING TOES -(Wednesday)Get set to dance and sing along with our colourful collection of songs.
- SING ALONG TOTS -(Thursday)Is a fun interactive session that encourages parents, carers and their children to sing and sign along to their favourite rhymes, enjoy musical activities and take part in our active circle time.
- MESSY SENSORY PLAY-(Friday)Our sensory activities for toddlers and include sensory bins, slime, water play, messy play, and more.
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More Info
- Age 0-12 months up to age 5 years.(Monday - Friday)
- Age 1- 2 Monday (Time 12:30pm - 1:15pm)
- Age 3 - 5 (Tuesday - 1:30pm - 2:15pm )
- Age 3 - 5 (Monday,wednesday - Friday)
- Monday - (7pm-7:45pm )- LEG,BUMS&TUMS
- Tuesday&Thursday - (7pm -7:45pm) - CIRCUTE
- Wednesday - (7pm - 7:45pm) - STRAIGHT SWEAT
- Friday - (7pm - 7:45pm) - FULL BODY BURN.
- AFTER SCHOOL CLUB (3:00 PM- 6:30 PM)
- Book here -
- NOTE:Hartbeeps with Caroline 11am - 1pm.(Saturday)
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Thu 01 Jan 1970
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£0.00 |
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